
About Nudist Clubhouse

Nudist Clubhouse is a social network for people who enjoy life as nature intended, free from clothing. You will find our members to be friendly and accepting, but most of all, comfortable in their own skin. Our website strives to be a place of freedom, where first timers can feel comfortable exploring the concept of social nudity. New friendships can be made. And, long time nudists can meet and develop friendships with like minded people.

Requirements to Join Nudist Clubhouse

In order to provide an online environment that is representative of our community and safe for all of those involved, we have set the following requirements to join the website.

  1. To join, you need to be at least 18 years old. We love our families, and we love our kids. But this is the internet. In the world today, this is the way it is.
  2. All members will use their first and last names on their profiles. When we meet you in person, we want to say "Hi, Jim!" rather than "Hello NakedGuy9922". We also want to make it easy to find our existing friends when many people have the same first name.
  3. Each account will be held by an individual person. If you are a couple, please have each person join independently. You can then link your profiles together with our Relationships function.
  4. All members will upload a profile photo that is a headshot clearly showing their face. As nudists we seriously have nothing to hide. So, show us your smile and let your personality shine through the screen.
  5. All members will provide the website with a home address and an e-mail address. We will only share your city, state and country with others.
  6. We will ask you to upload a government photo id for verification. We don't like fake profiles, scammers or bots any more than you do, and this is how we are going to keep the site clear of them.
We believe these to be very basic requirements. If you disagree, then perhaps this is not the right website for you.

Code of Conduct

The word "nudist" has many different definitions. Some prefer the term "naturist". On Nudist Clubhouse, we are a community with wholesome family values. We love to live clothes free for the freedom, the feeling of being one with nature, and the friendships that come along the way. We save adult activities for private settings.

  1. We come to Nudist Clubhouse to make new friends, interact with, and to have healthy relationships with other people that share the same views.
  2. We will share topics of conversation that are suitable for humans of all ages, whether or not the younger ones are present.
  3. Events will be added to the calendar that are wholesome fun for the family.
  4. Photos can be uploaded that show you enjoying naturism with your family and friends. Everyone in the photo must be over 18 years old at the time the photo was taken. If you feel the need to block out, blur, or cut off a persons head or face, then perhaps you shouldn't upload that photo in the first place.
  5. Please comment on other peoples posts, photos and events. We love user engagement. Make sure your posts do things to enrich the community, uplift others, and promote a sense of belonging to everyone else here.

Bottom line. Take the time to read the room and learn about who we are before doing things that may cross the line. We will not hesitate to keep our site wholesome, even if that means going on without you and your contributions.

This website proudly upholds the values and standards of the American Association for Nude Recreation.